Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello gingers! It's been so long since I've done this that it feels kind of strange for me!

Let's just clear the air here, in case you cared. In case anybody cared really. Yes, I have not blogged in a while. While: Like 2 months or something

Nothing dramatic happened, or even remotely exciting. I didn't get caught up in a new project, as to distract me from this. I didn't have a revitalizing journey where I looked into my past and saw what was in my future. I didn't move to the north pole with dreams to cure cancer. And no, I didn't join the Witness Protection Program.

But since you've come this far, I might as well tell you the real reason. And not the reason I've been telling myself which is that I don't have the time. The truth is, I have plenty of time and this would be a great use of it to improve my writing. The real reason, is that I just didn't want to care anymore.

It seemed like such a pain. It lost it's luster. But now, as I'm typing this, I feel like such a little school girl because of how many ideas and how excited I am to work on this. I want to start it up again. I want to make things bigger and better. Because that's the beautiful thing about hopeless dreamers. We get ambitions. And then, as soon as we get rolling, the spark stops. And it's on to the next thing.

But I didn't have a next thing. I still don't have equipment. I still don't have anymore good ideas for things already in motion that I already have. Nothing has changed since I left.

That's a harsh reality. I left because nobody cares anyway. What I should've said to myself was "Okay. Nobody cares. So use this to the best of your ability to grow where you're planted and improve on what you have. The change may be slow. It may be rough. But we can improve."

So I don't care who is reading this, and who isn't. Because right now, this is for me to improve on what I have, and what I want. As soon as I put my sights in front of me and my headlights guiding me in the right direction, I can start doing things.

No, this isn't a Thanksgiving blog as the title would ignorantly tell you. This is a premature blog that gives thanks for all the things I might have in the future. Because I'm gonna work hard.

And that's all I have to say. Let's ramble some more somewhere else.

Keep On Giving Thanks,
Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America's Next Step



Crazy night, right?

I say we are in the right direction. This direction is scary and much different than what we have done before. This is new, this is bold. This is where we break our resistance to change as a nation and start working together. This is a new age. A new dawn.

We have disagreed on many things, and got absolutely nowhere on many things. But if we persevere and believe that everyone in this great nation has a chance to do something great, just like President Obama said in his speech tonight, we can reclaim the title as the greatest nation in the world.

We have fought long and hard for which side is right and which side is wrong. But now we are given the choice to accept our new direction, or fight against it, preventing a positive change.

We are America. And we have never backed down. Yes, this new step will be a challenge. But when have we ever denied one?

We can reach common good.

There is a new spark. A new flame of hope is arising. And hopefully a little 5th grader stayed up late to watch that speech, and is thinking about the world with a new light.

Things have been tough, and cannot be fixed in a short amount of time. But if we work together, it can be done a whole lot faster.

-Rachael Robinson